Saturday, June 11, 2011

weeks to come...

It's probably a year since I last posted twice in a month, that probably shows how idle I am these couple of weeks, hahaha...

Anyway, the Mrs is away in Cameron Highlands attending her close friend's wedding, so here I am again with nothing much to do on a weekend. Now, perhaps I have mentioned this too many times that people might think that I only get to blog when the Mrs is not around, that may be partly true, but also only because when she's not around, I have nothing much to do and the boredom creeps into my head. ;)

The coming few weeks will be extremely hectic for me, nothing less than 30 sessions of graduations to cover in a little over 6 weeks to come, it will be a challenge to stand up straight after the end of the ordeal in August; good challenge nonetheless, and perhaps I will be away longer than usual. Not just in blogsphere, but in person as well. I can't remember the last time we had so many assignments to cover in such a short span of time, but it's a good indication that our client portfolio is growing stronger by the day.

Besides that, 2011 seems to be the Comics year. I've just watched X-Men: First Class last week after catching Thor earlier last month, it was awesome, I could be a little biased but coming up there will Transformer 3, Captain America, and Green Lantern just came to the big screens.

Work comes first, but there's always some time to destress, and movies like these, I like!


Saturday, June 04, 2011

hola from butterworth...

Same old way in starting my write up: 'It's been a long while since I wrote something here'.

Same excuses, haha...

Quite a lot has happened in the two months since my last post. Well, one of the 'happening' is that the Mrs and I have already been to our second honeymoon to Bali. :) We've taken quite some pictures but like the lazy guy I am I won't be bothered to post them all up here. Perhaps the Mrs will upload into her Facebook albums sometime soon, better view there than here.

Also in these two months, we've managed to acquire a property, Shop Office Home Unit actually. Anyway, this place has been in my radar even before our big day earlier this year, but because of the commitment we'll have to choose where our priority lies so this come in second best. After the wedding is over, we went back in the market and the price appreciated a good 15% from what I was quoted before. Oh well, there's a price to pay for procrastination, but I don't regret the decision to have a wonderful wedding as our main priority (despite making myself RM30,000 poorer).

In the past two months, I have also officially joined a business network group, where a group of businessmen and businesswomen gather together once a week at 6 in the morning to brainstorm and refer businesses to each other. It's a different experience altogether; I get to learn about how other businesses are run, how people market their products or services, how to develop good social skills, and most importantly, how to make these people understand my business so to be able to refer me my desired referrals. It's about time that I approach my work in a different direction, I no longer have to sit at my desk doing paperwork, cold calls, occasional appointments, and busy with the production work. These days I am always on the run, normally spending half the day on the road, very little time in the office (mostly to prepare my presentation items), and very little time with the computer, hence the lack of effort in blogging.

In fact, the only reason why I get to post this right now is because I have 4 hours to spare, stranded here in Butterworth with the Mrs at the saloon to straighten her hair.

Time is getting more and more precious.

And I am loving life more each day. :)