Friday, June 30, 2006

stay alive...

Nothing much to talk about regarding work, but the title isn't related to my work in any way.

I've just returned home after watching the movie 'Stay Alive', which is kinda cool if you asked me. I know, it's working day tomorrow and I'm still awake, but I just feel like I need to write something here to keep the blog alive, for the time being, hehe...

So, the story's about a spooky PS2 game which is under beta testing played by several fools who came across it after the main fool's friend died playing the game. You're supposed to stay alive (duh) in the game and finish off Count Elizabeth (the baddie here) but if you don't and get killed, well, you'll die exactly the same way you die in the game. No prizes for guessing correctly the plots that follow, I'll leave it to yourself to catch the movie in the big screen (support anti-piracy!).

Apparently, this movie's game is based on a true story of Count Elizabeth. I'm not too sure how true is this, but I'm gonna google about it soon just to satisfy my curiosity. How cool would that be if the game's really based on something that's so creepy.

I find the movie not as horrifying as the trailer, much to my disappointment, but it was a good movie nonetheless. Original plot (or did they actually plagiarise from Jackie Chan's Police Story 4?), good concept, nice cast, just not enough gory scenes to satisfy most horror-movie lovers.

I'd give a rating of 8 out of 10, but it may be biased since I enjoy horror movies. Go catch it in the cinema yourself if you doubt my rating, haha...

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